Travel Health and vaccination

If you are  fortunate to be planning a trip abroad, you should book a consultation well in advance about necessary vaccines, malaria prescriptions and other medical advice regarding your destination. Requirements for any country can change due to various outbreaks and it can be quite a detailed consultation.

You are advised to book  at least six weeks in advance of your trip, but if your journey will require  a long stay in a remote part of the world, then six months would be an advantage to get full immunity. Hepatitis B and Rabies vaccination  for example require a number of vaccines for full immunity.

It is advisable that you have completed all of your vaccines 2 weeks prior to your departure at a minimum.

Dingle Medical Centre is a designated Yellow Fever Centre; therefore we can provide this certification to persons who need this vaccine and receive it from us. A certificate of yellow fever  vaccination is obligatory if this disease is endemic in the country to which you are travelling.

You should bring a detailed itinerary for your travels when coming for a travel health consultation.

Unfortunately travel vaccinations  are not covered by the GMS scheme so even if you have a medical card you will need to pay for the vaccines and the consultation.

We keep some vaccines in stock but others have to be ordered via our local pharmacies so you may not be able to get all of your vaccines in the same consultation.

We recommend that you look at the website for The Tropical Medical Bureau at or for information on vaccinations and travel health.





Dingle Medical Centre, The Mall,  Co. Kerry.

Telephone: (066) 9152225 Fax: (066) 9152344

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (9am-5pm Monday to Friday only)

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