Cardiac Screening
Here at the Dingle Medical Centre we are fortunate to have Nurse Fiona Barton on our team. She is a " clinical nurse specialist" with a Masters in Cardiology. She runs our cardiology clinic. She also provides training all over Ireland to both doctors and nurses alike in the management of medical emergencies and is extremely highly trained and experienced.
Our specialised cardiac screening clinic involves taking a detailed history paying particular attention to family history of illness. We then complete a top to toe exam and complete further tests to diagnose and reduce your chance of having a heart attack or stroke. It involves a thorough examination and documentation of weight and height, BMI, pulse and blood pressure. We then take fasting bloods for cholesterol and glucose, an ECG, and a 24 hour blood pressure reading and or holter monitor if indicated. We also check your urine for abnormalities.
Please make an appointment to see nurse Fiona Barton or any of our doctors if you would like to avail of this service